“5 Tips to help Students Stay Focused and Motivated”

In the context of today’s educational scenario, we as educators, endeavour to impart a student- centric, dynamic, relevant and rigorous global curriculum in a safe environment that fosters imagination, problem-solving and innovation. This keeps students engaged and focussed in their learning. We urge children to question and find connections so as to prepare them to acquire the necessary skills to lead successful and meaningful lives in the 21st century and help them build a better world through intercultural understanding and respect.

Rather than trying to be the “best in the world” we encourage them to strive to be the “best for the world”, for if they choose to be “the best in the world”, success will be measured by those with whom they compete. But by being the “best for the world” they will constantly be challenged to develop their unique talents and compete with themselves. Their learning will be meaningful, fulfilling and most importantly, lifelong.

It is important, though not easy, for children to strike a fair balance between their curricular and co-curricular. In addition to the academic rigour, there needs to be emphasis on active and enthusiastic initiatives in their communities that will take their learning beyond academic study. The experiential learning encourages students to plan, execute and reflect upon a variety of activities during their years at school.

Many an opportunity will come their way; each one designed to challenge them. But the magic will happen only when they stretch themselves beyond their comfort zone. Once they have experienced excellence, they will never again be content with mediocrity.

Each child is unique; each one shines his own light! There will be trying times, when the self-esteem is on a low; That’s when it is most important to gently reaffirm that: You are your own special person and you must believe that you have it in you to achieve whatever you wish and will yourself to. Keep the passion burning strong within. Keep asking yourself what you want to do, what drives you and then go for it. Because what the world needs is people who are passionate about what they do for that empowers them to create success stories!

There is solid scientific evidence that suggests that practising mindfulness in its true sense improves attention, self-control, emotional resilience and memory, thereby strengthening our "mental muscle" for bringing focus back where we want it, when we want it.

A simple thought in a positive vein, that unfailingly, has a huge impact on our mind-set; we all will need to try it to believe it – There is a very distinct line between what we ‘have to’ do and what we ‘want to’ do – the first, drains energy and the other, gains energy! There are many things that we ‘have to’ do in life, and if we were to consciously change the ‘have to’ to ‘want to’ there will be a sea change in our attitude. Our energy levels will soar and the bent of mind will be positive. Life is what we make it out to be. The mind can focus on fear, worry, problems, negativity or despair. Or, it can focus on confidence, opportunity, solutions, optimism and success. It is for each of us to decide whether we ‘want to’ live this life or we just ‘have to’! Clichéd as it may sound, happiness is the key to life. It is all in our mind and it is all in our control, the smallest of things can give us the greatest of joys.

If we take a quick walk down memory lane, we would unanimously agree that School life is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons! We tell children: it is their time, their ground and their sky – they must grab every opportunity, put in their best efforts, fly as high as they can and enjoy the sunshine of these happy days!

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Mrs. Radhika Sinha

Mrs. Radhika Sinha

Aditya Birla World Academy

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